The Subjunctive after Verbs of Emotion

The subjunctive is used after certain expressions of emotion, when the speaker shows emotion about the actions of another person, as in Me alegro de que estés aquí (æIÆm glad that youÆre hereÆ). The subjunctive is also used after impersonal expressions of emotion, as in Es una lástima que no puedas acompañarnos (æItÆs a pity that you canÆt come with usÆ).

You should recognize these expressions as some that will require the use of the subjunctive in the subordinate clause, after the word que: alegrarse (æto be gladÆ), esperar (æto hopeÆ), sentir (æto regretÆ), temer (æto be afraidÆ), asombrarse (æto be surprisedÆ), sorprenderse (æto surpriseÆ), enfadarse (æto be angryÆ), enojarse (æto be angryÆ), es una lástima (æitÆs a pityÆ), es triste (æitÆs sadÆ), es escandaloso (æitÆs scandalousÆ), es terrible (æitÆs terribleÆ), and so forth.